Welcome to Larrys & Lindas Web Site

Welcome to Larrys & Lindas Web Site


About US !
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Photo Gallery
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     Welcome to our Web Site !

          This site is being provided for the purpose of keeping everyone updated as to what we are presently doing or where we might be. We update this site whenever we can as we travel around. It also is our communication with family and friends who wish to join us or meet with us some place in time. This site contains information on our hobbies and future plans. We have many of them listed on the internet, Our motorcycle is the newest one, along with Geocaching, and Genealogy, Camping, Riding with  "The Southern Cruisers riding club" , or with friends, Hunting camp also is a favorite getaway. All of these seem to work hand in hand very well so we are most likely doing one of them anytime to check in on us. For down time our Koi ponds are our way to escape from the pressures of life and plan our next get away. While it may not be currently up to date, this site is the best chance for folks to find us should they be looking for us. Check our Calendar for possible locations or events we may be at, our Journal also will have entries in which may also direct you to us. also check our Photo Gallery, After looking at these key locations, you may figure out where we are and, Why we are not home...   enjoy our site.....         Larry & Linda

Our Daily Journal

Our Calender of Events


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Our Photo Album

Some of my Web Sites & Forums

MountainsLook . Recent Picture of events we attended and places we've been

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